Pakistan_The Land of Adventure, Remains and Nature.It is a country with its own fascinating history and cultural heritage. Pakistan was the site for one of the world's earliest human settlements, the great prehistoric Indus Valley Civilization, the crucible of ancient empires, religions and cultures. Pakistan is endowed with a rich and varied with things that can wonderstuck the world. The city of sirkap near taxila is one of these astonishing remains. The second city at Taxila is called Sirkap, remains of gandhara civiliziations, which means "severed head" and is the name of a mythological demon that is said to have lived on this site. The remains belongs to four distinct super-imposed periods of pre-Greeks, Scythians and Parthians. The city founded approximately in the first quarter of the second century B.C by the Bactrian Greek King Menander. The Parthian King Gondophares following the Greek pattern, built the city with its main street in the middle st...